You may also choose to view and order prints by visiting Stephen's studio in Fort Collins, Colorado. For more details...

A quick overview of the process I employ to create a photograph starts with traditional film cameras, a traditional color darkroom, and a team of llamas to port my cameras and provisions into remote areas to access land formations that most people will never witness...

An artist is defined by the tools he or she uses. The cameras I have chosen to execute my art are the same cameras Ansel Adams employed to paint light on film almost 100 years ago...

My process starts with primitive materials of film and light and through a fierce human struggle transforms those materials into something profoundly beautiful. The transformation process has nothing to do with computer might and everything to do with human might...

As a traditional photographer using film and classic darkroom methods, I am bounded by what lays before my lens. I cannot add, subtract, or change the elements of that reality in anyway...

Most viewers believe my work is pictorial or nature photography. These types of photographs are intended to precisely replicate the land and instruct the viewer. They are a literal interpretation of the actual scene. However, my work is experiential and expressive in content...

It is an evolutionary process that makes us who we are. It is no different than the evolutionary forces that form the great Earth gestures of our planet. It is the forces of our environment and the genetic talents that lie within us that forms our very being and shapes us as distinct individuals...

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